Best Reviews on the Newest Arm Exerciser

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Best Reviews on the Newest Arm Exerciser

There is one gadget on the market today that is setting the fitness world on fire and that is the TheraCage.newest arm exerciser This tiny, yet powerful, device is the newest arm exerciser to hit the market and boy is it fun. The TheraCage is a dual action workout and weight loss tool that combine the advantages of other workout gadgets such as the rowing machine and elliptical trainer. If you've never used an exercise gizmo before, the TheraCage could easily be considered a cross between those two fitness monstrosities. Here are some quick and simple comparisons that show this new device in a better light than its competitors:

Cost vs.newest arm exerciser Performance - While the TheraCage is certainly cheaper than both the rowing machine and the elliptical trainer, it does not come anywhere close to being as costly as the competition. While the device can be rather pricey, it is also fairly cheap for what a quality workout device should be. In fact, when compared to other quality machines such as treadmills and step machines, the TheraCage is actually a pretty decent value. You can get quite a workout using this little gem. That is why so many people love it.

Looks Like a Wrench - The TheraCage looks sort of like a wrenches. It has a handle and you twist it and move the handles to change the resistance levels. While it is sort of a novelty looking device, the look and design features have certainly made this one stand out from the rest. While many arm exercisers just look like wrenches, the TheraCage takes a bit more of a technological edge and it might be a great idea to try one out for yourself if you have been longing for a workout device that looks like something out of a James Bond movie.

Easy to Use & Learn - One of the best things about the TheraCage is that it is really easy to use. It is not one of those arm exercisers where you have to have some kind of advanced knowledge of how to do an arm workout. All you have to do is read the directions, understand how the machine works, and then you are all set. There is even a video included that goes over exactly how to use the machine.

Great Features - Another reason why the TheraCage is so popular is because of all the great features that come along with it. When you exercise with this little gem, you can do so in a way that allows you to keep track of your progress. There are settings on the device that allow you to vary the resistance so that you get the most benefit from each workout session. You can also keep track of calories burned, which is important since most people who are into exercising want to see quick results.

Best Features - The last thing you will want to look for in a new arm exerciser is one of the best features that have been created for this type of device. With the TheraCage, you get a foot pedal that allows you to crank out the most amount of reps as you can. This is something that many arm exercisers do not have, and the reason why it is so popular. When you are using a foot pedal, you will have to use your upper arms to work them up, which makes the workout much more strenuous. If you want a good workout, you will want to make sure that you have a way to maximize the amount of time that you are exercising. If you do not have this option with the TheraCage, look for something else.

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